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Addressing some common reasons for construction project delays

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2022 | Construction Disputes |

There may be a multitude of factors to address when preparing to initiate operations on a construction project. While taking a thorough approach to the planning stages of a project could help you stave off a variety of concerns, it might not always be possible to predict what the future of the project may hold. 

Change remains a constant in the construction industry, and some of the issues you might encounter may prove unpredictable by nature. While knowing some of the most common causes for delays in project schedules may help you prepare a strategy to protect the interests of your endeavors, things might not always go as planned. 

Sources of delay 

There are a variety of scenarios in which delays might impact schedules on New York construction sites, and similar issues continue to be a leading cause of conflict and dispute. Some of the most prevalent causes of delays in construction may include: 

  • Project scope concerns: Studies indicate that issues with the scope of a project and sudden changes to scope remain two of the most common causes of delays in the construction industry. 
  • Financial challenges: Financial challenges, such as lack of proper project budgeting, could also create delays in schedules, and such issues may only increase the risk of conflict and dispute. 
  • Lack of planning: Project planning and scheduling may prove an integral component to project operations, and lack of proper planning may only increase the risk of costly delays. 
  • Project designs: Issues with the blueprints or design of a project may also lead to delays. The need to revisit and adjust plans could also lead to issues with project cost overrun. 

Issues obtaining the necessary materials to perform job tasks may also create potentially costly delays. Knowing how best to handle similar issues can be somewhat challenging at times. 

Protecting your company 

Delays in construction project schedules could create various potential concerns, and the fallout of the situation could take a dire toll on the well-being of your company. While taking steps to reduce the risk of delays can be helpful, it might not always be possible to keep the unpredictable at bay. Since facing conflict stemming from similar issues can be a daunting process, it could also be helpful to seek insight on your options and the best course of action to take to protect your interests should disputes arise.